Warning! 5 dangers of diseases that often come with “floods”.

Home Forums Guidance for Pursuing Statistics in College Warning! 5 dangers of diseases that often come with “floods”.


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    Anyone who is constantly faced with floods (floods) will understand that the suffering caused by water will lead to misery whether in terms of property or many others, it will definitely come with the entry of the flood season. But what should not be overlooked at all is It’s a health problem. that must be taken care of as closely as possible

    At this time, there is a huge flood in many provinces. Praying for สุขภาพดี one thing Maybe too little And it might not be enough. because apart from life problems The wealth of money that has already floated in the water Health problems are also a concern. and should not be overlooked as well Today we would like to introduce you to the “dangerous diseases” that come with water, which can be called something you should know. and protected as follows:

    1. leptospirosis

    Popular diseases for rainy season, including stories of flooding with waterlogging. Caused by animal urine In particular, the “rats” are contaminated with water and enter our bodies through wounds. or our abrasions causing headaches and severe illness

    2. Bite foot disease

    Bite toe, or Hong Kong’s feet, itchy fingers and toes Fungus is another danger that comes with the moisture of the water causing the fungus to grow. Our unclean feet will be the perfect place for mold and the final mound.

    3. Dengue fever

    Water trapped around the house We will be the A grade hatching of Aedes larvae. There are quite a few mosquitoes, including the path of dengue fever as well. Solving the cause may be difficult. For this reason, it is necessary to label mosquito repellents everywhere. Don’t come here for mosquitoes to bite you all the time. Including when going to bed, should spread a mosquito net to protect against the bad that came in to deposit the disease without realizing it.

    4. Stress and blood pressure

    Solving the cause may be difficult. For this reason, it is necessary to label mosquito repellents everywhere. Don’t come here for mosquitoes to bite you all the time. Including when going to bed should spread a mosquito net. In order to protect the bad who came to deposit the disease without being aware of it, so it makes the mental health. Therefore, it is necessary and should not be overlooked.

    5. Diarrhea

    The flood problem made the journey more difficult, more difficult, the longer the problem originated. Problems with food will follow. This includes cleanliness and efficiency of eating as well. This disease is therefore often found in this story. because of unclean water consumption


    For the five obstacles that we have presented. We can find them often and easily. After the flood every year ever. which this year is quite heavy, that has it all therefore recommend that people who take care of their health The same and should not be overlooked. is absolute, other than property yours then You yourself are also something to take care of.

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